I love the use of editorial cartoons in the classroom. Everyone sees different details when we analyze it. Some kids can really pull the connection together and others struggle, but once things are discussed, most can understand what they are looking at. When we made our own editorial cartoons, I momentarily panicked because I didn't think I could do it. But after given a moment to think, and some sample phrases or ideas, I managed to create one. I think I could use this concept in class once we practice a bit. Fortunately, we use Scholastic News as a tool in the classroom which has a weekly editorial cartoon which increases exposure. I hope to try this new strategy out this year!
Thank you, Anthony!
I have started using editorial cartoons more in my classroom already. I have not used them for history unfortunately, but for language arts. It fits perfectly into inference and drawing conclusions. We fill in a graphic organizer with clues, our prior knowledge, and our inference. The kids love it!